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235 Hope Road, Tinton Falls, NJ 07724  /  732.542.4777

Eighth Grade World History Project on Charlemagne

In eighth grade world history class, students were presented with an engaging opportunity to explore the life and achievements of Charlemagne. As part of an assessment, students were given the autonomy to select from a range of project options. The choices included creating a comprehensive timeline highlighting the major events in Charlemagne's life, crafting a hand-drawn map showcasing the Holy Roman Empire, or constructing a Google Slide presentation delving into the life and success of Charlemagne. This assignment not only fostered critical thinking and historical understanding, but also empowered students by allowing them to personalize their learning experience through their chosen project format.

Ranney School

235 Hope Road
Tinton Falls, NJ 07724
Tel. 732.542.4777

Our mission is to know and value every child, nurturing intellectual curiosity and confidence, and inspiring students to lead honorably, think creatively, and contribute meaningfully to society.