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235 Hope Road, Tinton Falls, NJ 07724  /  732.542.4777

Three Middle School Students Accepted into CJMEA Honors Wind Symphony

Congratulates to Elijah Anderson (trumpet), Hannah Brenman (clarinet), and Thoms Li (percussion) on their acceptance into the 2024 Central Jersey Music Educators Association Middle School Honors Wind Symphony.

After playing an in-school audition, these students were recommended and then selected by CJMEA for the festival.   Elijah, Hannah, and Thomas will rehearse and perform the following pieces on Saturday, March 23rd at East Brunswick High School:  
Fanfare and Flourishes - "2" by James Curnow
In Search of The Lost Ship by James Swearingen
 Ash Grove Fantasy by Barry Kopetz
"These dedicated band students have decided to challenge themselves by working to perform at the CJMEA Middle School Honors Festival this year," said All-School Band Director John Propper. "This demonstrated their commitment to music and their instruments. They will proudly represent the Ranney Middle School Band".  

Ranney School

235 Hope Road
Tinton Falls, NJ 07724
Tel. 732.542.4777

Our mission is to know and value every child, nurturing intellectual curiosity and confidence, and inspiring students to lead honorably, think creatively, and contribute meaningfully to society.