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US Participates in Princeton Model UN Conference

Fifteen students and two chaperones from Ranney’s Upper School History Department attended a four-day Model United Nations (UN) Conference hosted by Princeton University this December.

An event attended annually by members within Ranney’s History Department, Model UN serves as an academic simulation of the real life United Nations, educating students on current events, topics in international relations and diplomacy.

Beginning December 1st at the Hilton in East Brunswick, New Jersey, Ranney students were asked to sponsor and co-sponsor resolutions, while working together to solve world problems. Assigned to represent the countries Sri Lanka and Yemen, each student served as a delegate on specific committees including the Disarmament and International Security Committee, Special Political and Decolonization Committee and International Monetary Fund.

While Roey Hadar ’13 reallocated funding to provide vaccinations for children in third world nations as a delegate of the World Health Organization in Sri Lanka, Anisha Prasad ’12 served as a delegate of the International Monetary Fund in Yemen, discussing solutions to the current worldwide economic recession. Sri Lankan delegates on the Special Political and Decolonization Committee Alana Grieco ’13 and Gabrielle Bijou ’13, meanwhile discussed thoughts of expanding international aid to encourage human rights around the world.

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235 Hope Road
Tinton Falls, NJ 07724
Tel. 732.542.4777

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